Credit Application

Credit Application
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Applicant Personal Reference Name
Privacy Policy Introduction As our esteemed customer, we prioritize the confidentiality of your personal information and commit to sharing it only with authorized entities, either at your explicit consent or as mandated by law. This document outlines our privacy policy, elucidates the reasons behind our information requests, and provides you with the option to opt out of any potential sharing with non-affiliated third parties. Please take a moment to review this comprehensive policy. Collection of Information The acquisition of a motor vehicle involves the gathering of significant nonpublic personal information. For instance, if you decide to purchase or lease a vehicle and request credit, we will collect necessary information to assess your creditworthiness. This may include details obtained from you directly or from a credit-reporting agency. Additionally, we may gather information from third parties such as employers, references, and insurance companies. Certain information we collect may be mandated by state or federal agencies, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles or the Internal Revenue Service. Even if you choose to make a cash payment for your vehicle, essential information like a driver's license or social security number may still be required. Protecting Your Information We adhere to industry standards and established procedures to safeguard nonpublic personal information. Our physical and electronic safeguards comply with state and federal laws. Access to your information is restricted to employees and external contractors who require it to provide products or services to you. We strictly prohibit our employees and agents from disclosing your information in violation of applicable laws or our privacy policy. Information Sharing Unless you indicate a desire to share your nonpublic personal information with non-affiliated third parties (by checking the box in the section below), we may share information: A) For routine business purposes, such as transaction processing, account maintenance, responding to court orders and legal investigations, or reporting to credit bureaus. B) For processing a sale or lease transaction at your request or authorization, such as sharing information with third-party financial institutions involved in the contract assignment or verifying insurance coverage. C) When engaging outside service providers to assist in offering products and services. Prior to sharing information, we establish contractual agreements preventing them from disclosing or using the information for purposes other than those disclosed. D) With "Affiliated" companies, encompassing entities that control us, those we control, or those under common control with us. By Checking the box I confirm I am interested in purchasing or leasing a vehicle and request that my Consumer Credit Report be obtained, at no cost to me, to help determine the types and extent of financing available.